Learn About Our Organization

Our network is comprised of a diverse group of individuals and organizations, including shelters, service providers, activists, and LGBTQ youths who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. We work collaboratively to create a supportive environment where LGBTQ individuals can heal, grow, and thrive. At Spectrum Of Care For Homelessness, we recognize that members of the LGBTQ community face unique challenges and barriers to accessing safe and affordable housing. Many LGBTQ individuals experience discrimination and marginalization, which can make it difficult for them to find a welcoming and affirming place to call home. That’s why we are committed to creating a shelter system that is inclusive, affirming, and respectful of everyone’s gender identity and sexual orientation. We work closely with our network of shelters and service providers to provide access to safe and affirming housing that meets the unique needs of LGBTQ individuals. Our approach to queering the shelter system is critical to ending homelessness in the LGBTQ community. By prioritizing the needs and experiences of LGBTQ individuals, we can create a more equitable and inclusive shelter system that supports the long-term stability and success of our community.

Our Mission

To transform the landscape of homeless services by
creating a connected network of LGBTQ+ inclusive shelters and
resources, while advocating for policies and practices that ensure
the safety and dignity of LGBTQ+ youth experiencing

Our Vision

Transforming the shelter system through a queer-inclusive lens.


How We Work!

Provide Networking Opportunities

We connect a network of shelters and organizations committed to LGBTQ inclusivity, fostering collaboration and solidarity in addressing homelessness, gender-based violence, and other critical challenges faced by LGBTQ individuals across Kenya.

Knowledge Sharing

Our regular meetings, workshops, and webinars provide a platform for members to exchange insights, experiences, and best practices, enhancing the quality and effectiveness of support services for LGBTQ individuals.

Capacity Building

We offer access to training programs and resources aimed at developing skills and capabilities within member organizations, equipping staff with the tools to meet the unique needs of the LGBTQ community more effectively.

Collective Advocacy

By uniting member organizations, we jointly advocate for LGBTQ-inclusive policies and legislation at local, regional, and national levels, working towards a more inclusive and equitable society for all.